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14 feb 2009

Say NO to Violence against Women - www.saynotoviolence.org
Say NO to WAW para usuario

Dear Friend,

UNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador Nicole Kidman presents names collected during the Say NO to Violence against Women campaign to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, 25 November 2008.Thanks to you, on 25 November 2008, UNIFEM pre sented UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with more than 5 million signatures to the Say NO to Violence against Women campaign. Handing over the signatures to the Secretary-General, UNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador Nicole Kidman said, “As long as one in three women and girls may be abused in their lifetimes, violence against women must be everybody’s business.” The Secretary-General responded: “Social mobilization is the spark that ignites action. I am delighted that governments, civil society organizations and the private sector have come together through the Say NO initiative.” From all over the world, 5,066,549 people said NO to violence against women and girls and urged YES to governments everywhere to take action. Governments answered our call to action in many ways:

  • Representatives at the ministerial or higher level from 68 governments, as well as some 600 parliamentarians signed on to the campaign;
  • The Government of Tanzania launched a broad-based national committee to strengthen the national action plan on violence against women.Tanzania launched a broad-based national committee to strengthen the national action plan on violence against women and trained police officers to provide victims with support;
  • Australia signed on to the campaign and announced accession to the UN CEDAW Optional Protocol;
  • Seychelles inaugurated a website dedicated to gender equality, along with the National Strategy on Domestic Violence;
  • Ministers from the Kingdom of Bahrain are among the most recent signatories of the campaign.

The Swedish Member of the European Parliament and Vice Chair of the Women’s Rights Committee Ms. Eva-Britt Svensson is leading efforts among all members of the European Parliament for a “Written Declaration on the Say NO to Violence against Women Campaign.” With enough signatures, the European Parliament can call for a “European Year on Zero Tolerance of Violence againstWomen.” Rock al Parque 2008, ColombiaUNIFEM Executive Director Inés Alberdi will participate at the Global Symposium on Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality in Rio de Janeiro on 31 March to support the work on involving men and boys to end violence against women, which is a priority within the framework of the Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Womenc campaign. As the Say NO network continues to expand, please send us news about how you are continuing the work on ending violence against women and any suggestions about how Say NO can contribute towards your ongoing initiatives. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon on the Say NO website!

The UNIFEM Say NO Team

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